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Hello, my name is Minsu Kim and I'm a Ph.D student in Computer Science at KAIST. I'm studying in Computer Architecture and Systems Lab and advised by professor Jongse Park.


Location: E3, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea

Research Interests

  • Computer Architecture
  • Systems for Machine Learning
  • Distributed Systems
  • Large Language Models


Current: Ph.D student in Computer Science at KAIST
February 2023: MS in Computer Science at KAIST
February 2021: BS in Computer Science at KAIST


July 2023 ~ Current: Intern, Software Developer, HyperAccel


CoVA: Exploiting Compressed-Domain Analysis to Accelerate Video Analytics

Jinwoo Hwang, Minsu Kim, Daeun Kim, Seungho Nam, Yoonsung Kim, Dohee Kim, Hardik Sharma, Jongse Park
[USENIX ATC ‘22] [Link]

LLMServingSim: A Simulation Infrastructure for LLM Inference Serving Systems

Jaehong Cho, Minsu Kim, Hyunmin Choi, Jongse Park
[ISCA Workshop MLArchSys ‘24]

Accelerating String-key Learned Index Structures via Memoization-based Incremental Training

Minsu Kim, Jinwoo Hwang, Guseul Heo, Seiyeon Cho, Divya Mahajan, Jongse Park
[VLDB ‘24] [Link]

LLMServingSim: A HW/SW Co-Simulation Infrastructure for LLM Inference Serving Systems at Scale

Jaehong Cho, Minsu Kim, Hyunmin Choi, Guseul Heo, Jongse Park
[IISWC ‘24]

LPU: A Latency-optimized and Highly Scalable Processor for Large Language Model Inference

Seungjae Moon, Jung-Hoon Kim, Junsoo Kim, Seongmin Hong, Junseo Cha, Minsu Kim, Sukbin Lim, Gyubin Choi, Dongjin Seo, Jongho Kim, Hunjong Lee, Hyunjun Park, RyeoWook Ko, Soongyu Choi, Jongse Park, Jinwon Lee, Joo-Young Kim
[IEEE Micro, special issue on Contemporary Industry Products, 2024]